进 一 步 资 料
Lai, S. H. W. and Tse, N. C. F. Earthing issues under harmonics effects in building electrical wiring system. Proceedings of 2nd Power Symposium 2002, IEE Hong Kong, China, June 2002, pp.6:1-6.
Lai, S. H. W. and Tse, N. C. F. Harmonic filtering system in high rise buildings. Proceedings of 2nd Power Symposium 2002, IEE Hong Kong, China, June 2002, pp.4:1-6.
Lai, S., Tse, N., Wong, P., et al. Analysis of zero sequence passive filter harmonics mitigation device for building wiring system. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Power System Management and Control, IEE UK, London, April 2002, pp. 118-123.