
進 一 步 資 料

送 風 系 統

  1. Xu, H.T. and Niu, J.L. Numerical procedure for predicting annual energy consumption of the under-floor air distribution system. Energy and Buildings, Vol. 38, No. 6, 2006, pp. 641-647.

  2. Yee, K.F. , Yik, W.H.F. , Chan, C.W.H. and Chan, H.Y.T. A study on the energy saving of converting a VAV system from inlet guide vane to variable fan speed control. HKIE Transactions, Vol. 9, August, No. 2, 2002, pp. 18-24.

  3. Niu, J.L., Zhang, L.Z. and Zuo, H.G. Energy saving potentials of chilled-ceiling combined with desiccant cooling in hot and humid climates. Energy and Buildings, Vol. 34, No. 5, 2002, pp. 487-495.

  4. Lin Z., Chow, T.T., Tsang, C.F., et al. CFD study on effect of the air supply location on the performance of the displacement ventilation system, Building and Environment, 40(8), 2005, pp. 1051-1067.

  5. Lin, Z., Chow, T.T., Tsang, C.F., et al. Effect of air supply temperature on the performance of displacement ventilation (Part I) - thermal comfort, Indoor and Built Environment, 14(2), 2005, pp. 103-115.

  6. Lin, Z., Chow, T.T., Tsang, C.F., et al. Effect of air supply temperature on the performance of displacement ventilation (Part II) - thermal comfort, Indoor and Built Environment, 14(2), 2005, pp. 117-131.

  7. Liang, J. and Du, R. A study of the Model-Based Fault Detection and Diagnosis for HVAC Systems. International Conference on Innovative Equipment and Systems for Comfort and Food Preservation, 2006, New Zealand. [with softcopy]

  8. Chow, S.F. Heat Pump Desiccant Dehumidifier - A more energy efficient way to achieve high quality dehumidification, China Light & Power.

  9. Mumma, S. A., Jeong, J. Field experience controlling a dedicated outdoor air system, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 111, Part 2, 2005, pp. 433-442

  10. Mazzei, P., et al. HVAC dehumidification systems for thermal comfort: a critical review, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 25, 2005, pp. 677-707.

  11. Dieckmann, J., et al. Radiant ceiling cooling, ASHRAE Journal, June 2004, pp. 42-43.

  12. Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR. 此網頁的超連結有可能引向由第三方發行或營運的網站。Application Guide to Variable Speed Drives (VSD)

冷 凍 水 系 統

  1. Yik, W.H.F, Burnett J. and Prescott, I.M. A study on the energy performance of three schemes for widening application of water-cooled air-conditioning systems in Hong Kong. Energy and Buildings, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2001, pp. 167-182.

  2. Chan A. L. S., Chow, T. T., Fong, S. K. F., et al. Performance evaluation of district cooling plant with ice storage. Energy - The International Journal, 31(14), 2006, pp. 2414-2426

  3. Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR. Territory-wide implementation study for water-cooled air conditioning systems in Hong Kong - Executive summery, June 2003.


設 計 指 引

  1. Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR. 此網頁的超連結有可能引向由第三方發行或營運的網站。機 電 工 程 署 網 站
  2. CIBSE, 2005. Guide B: Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, London.
  3. ASHRAE, 2003. ASHRAE Handbook-HVAC Applications, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta
  4. ASHRAE, 2004. ASHRAE Handbook-HVAC Systems and Equipment, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta
  5. ASHRAE, 2005. ASHRAE Handbook-Fundamental, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta
  6. ASHRAE, 2006. ASHRAE Handbook-Refrigeration, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta